Permanent Memorial

Permanent Memorial

There are few decisions in life as personal as deciding where you wish to be permanently memorialized. After all, it is a decision that extends into the lifetimes of your children and grandchildren – where do you wish them to go to honor your memory and share their emotions?

There are multiple types of permanent memorization. One for every type of burial whether that is traditional ground burial or cremation. We offer options for every family and each situation. We also can install any of these offerings in any cemetery where you might already have a burial as long as they are approved by that cemetery's guidelines.

The experienced staff of Giles Memory Gardens can help you arrive at the perfect decision for you, and your family. We would be honored to guide you through the cemetery grounds, explore your perspectives, and make suggestions. Ultimately, the decision is in your hands; but our expertise can certainly guide you. Call the experienced staff at Polk Memorial for any questions that we might assist you with.   931-363-0097.

Upright Monuments

Upright monuments are a tradition and as old as burial itself. We offer gardens within Giles Memory Gardens that are made specifically for multiple types of traditional upright and flat granite monuments.

Upright monuments can take on so many different looks. We have only included a few different types at the bottom.

Deciding on the type of memorial property is a very personal decision. Giles Memory Gardens provides a setting where meditation, reflection, remembrance, and healing can take place.

Flat Bronze

Bronze comes just like monuments in a variety of availability to suit each family. Also like monuments there are some sections that are already designated for flat bronze while others may be able to use plaques on upright granite.

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